Contract for the Provision of Winter Health Co-Ordination



REPORT TO; the Corporate Director Health & Adult Services (HAS); Richard Webb; in consultation with executive members Councillors Caroline Dickinson and Michael Harrison.


DECISION DATE: Friday 12th March 2021


SUPPORTING ANNEX; This report includes a supporting Annex which contains exempt information as described in paragraphs 1, 3 and 5 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).




It is recommended that the Authority carry out an Open Procurement process for the re-tendering of the Winter Health Co-Ordination Contract. The Contract will commence from 25/6/2021.




The Winter Health Co-ordination contract delivered on behalf of the North Yorkshire Seasonal Winter Health Strategic Partnership provides residents in North Yorkshire with a single point of contact for those living in or at risk of a cold home, fuel poverty, struggling to afford their energy bills, or worried about winter.


The contract is funded by the North Yorkshire Public Health Grant, and co-ordinated by Public Health in conjunction with the Warm and Well North Yorkshire (WWNY) project established in 2015. Full Details are included in the Annex


Aims of the procurement are to:

-       Appoint a competent provider with experience and knowledge of providing project co-ordination, support and monitoring of a community focused contract.

-       Offer a SPOC service to the residents of North Yorkshire.

-       Deliver the North Yorkshire Seasonal Winter Health Strategy

-       Maintain and build upon the successes of the WWNY project, including the established brand of WWNY

-       Co-ordinate work across the county

-       Enhance sustainability by drawing national funding into the partnership

-       Reduce duplication and enable  joined-up and streamlined working across sectors

-       Provide a simple and effective way to manage referrals from individuals and frontline workers

-       Collate high quality data to complement existing intelligence regarding the demographics of fuel poor households across North Yorkshire and to identify areas of highest need

-       Effectively monitor and evaluate the impact of work delivered through the partnership

-       Reach more people, communities, and organisations.




The contract will be procured in line with the Public Contract Regulations 2015.




It is recommended that the Authority carry out an Open Procurement process for the re-tendering of the Winter Health Co-Ordination Contract.